
If Thursday's New York Times report is true, Big Papi, who earlier this year suggested anyone caught failing a drug test should be suspended for one year, will now be linked forever with A-Roid, Barry Bonds, Sosa, Clemens, Manny-wood......and on and on the list goes and goes as it grows and grows.
His initial reaction to the news was that he wanted to get some answers before commenting on the topic.
Okay, I'll give you a pass for a day or so, give you time to circle the wagons and get the PR machine working. Don't wait too long though, the society - the judge and jury in this case -that is still waiting for O.J. to find the "real" killers won't wait forever.
Here's some advice............if this is true, admit it, say you're sorry, apologize to your legion of fans and show some true remorse.
This is a forgiving society to its athletes that can still entertain its fans. That is the reason Bonds and Clemens are forever doomed, they are at the end of their careers and this tag will dog them until the end of time.
For Ortiz, the bomb has gone off. True or not, his name is stained forever. Come clean and come clean now, denial will only make things worse.
How this news stains the 2004 and 2007 World Series titles for the Roid Sox is a discussion for another time.
The sad thing about this is, for Major League Baseball, just when the steroid furor seems to die down, another big name comes from "the list" of those who failed a confidential drug test.
Get the list out in the open, let the discussion go for a short time and move on with it. The longer the question is out there, the longer this ugly topic will remain in the forefront.
If you've read my words before, you know that I subscribe to the notion that life isn't fair sometimes, but you have to deal with the reality of things.
Big Papi has to deal with this reality, how he handles it will be his defining moment.