Just a few days to go until the end of the season and the rebuilding A's have left me without a team to root for in October.
But, being a baseball fan, I need a team to rally behind for the month. Let's take a look at the candidates:
American League
Los Angeles (don't call us Anaheim) Angels - I've hated this club since I was a kid, ever since the team got into a brawl against the A's when Jim Todd drilled Bruce Bochte in the coconut when Bochte was crowding the plate. A longtime AL West division rival, I won't root for this team.

I did marry into a Red Sox family, but I'll only go so far to suck up to the in-laws. They ruined my 1975 when they beat the A's in the AL Playoffs, ending the three-year World Series run of my childhood heroes.
Chicago White Sox - Ozzie Guillen is annoying, but the White Sox are a contender to become my team of the month. The fans are nuts and the team plays in some exciting games.
Minnesota Twins - Another nice story unfolding here as the Twinkies are somehow contending, even after trading Johan Santana in the offseason. Great stories are nice, especially with a small market team. With Mauer and Morneau, this is a fun team to watch and definitely an overachiever.
National League

New York Mets - As of this writing, they are tied for the Wild Card so I'll include them and Milwaukee. Straight to the point, I hope they miss the playoffs. I have access to the Mets' games here and I never watch them. For all the marquee players, they bore me. Do me a personal favor and stay home for the playoffs.

Los Angeles Dodgers - Good for Joe Torre. I agreed that his time in New York had run its course, but the way he was dismissed for all his efforts and results were shoddy. Manny Ramirez is still a quitter, but he can hit when motivated and he is motivated.
And the winner is...............

As much as I'd like to root for the Cinderella Rays, their fans were not selling out games late in the season so they lose my support.
How can you not root for a team who's fans are starved for a title?
I've been to Wrigley Field and it was like going to a cathedral, complete with the rowdy, shirtless party-goers in the Bleachers.
I'll put my A's cap down until spring training. For now, let's go Cubs!